Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Sleep for eternity.. That's the sign that it's the end of the first year!

So after a tough year at Uni doing many things that I was not prepared for, it has come to the time where I do nothing but reflect on what I have achieved throughout this monstrous year. So where shall I start. There are a lot of things I can talk about and I shall.

Where did I mostly improve? From my own opinion I felt I improved somewhat within Game Production. Why? Because as the projects became more involved I felt that creating the 3D mesh was easier and quicker to construct. I knew my way around Max more and new little hints and tips such as finding out where those sneaky engons had disappeared to. But not only that, that application that I took to put everything into UDK and applying all the knowledge from Max into UDK. Applying textures, creating unique names for, well just about everything (which is a baffling mind experience). But nevertheless it has been something I have enjoyed. The only bad that that I have learnt from Game Production is that after a year I still haven't fully learnt how to utilise the unwrap map. I do not know where to start of even how to tackle it. What could be good, is a tutorial on how to utilise space, plus good links to references. That would be beneficial to a lot of people around the first year and to future years.

Visual Production, is something that will always push me. It is a hard part of the course and something that won't come naturally to people. Some are better at perspective others are better at life drawing or character concepts. Some are even damn good at creating sculptures. However where I felt I have improved is in my final pieces. From look through fist terms work at the beginning of the course to what I have completed in the 3rd term, gives me great satisfaction and I am please at what I have created. Not only that, but how it has all settled in, that it shows how I have progressed and how I have changed and gained more knowledge of what I am doing. The only downside of visual design is the sculpting. Which I found very tedious and very hard to tackle. It was just getting the starting point, the wire frame and even there where do I go? Plus the life drawing. I wish, oh how I wish there was a new model. Drawing the same model repeatedly every week became boring, and the poses were starting to look the same. The body shape doesn't change, the poses don't change, which means I don't change. I want to be able to have a different body where it could prove easier or harder, and maybe a man instead of a woman each week. It makes it more fun, keeps me more interested, and awake. Plus I know this is what others think too. Plus the two models that were there. Have. Exactly. The. Same. Body. Please, oh please change!

Critical studies. At the beginning of term the blogs became tedious and boring, and felt my life force draining away slowly. Sometimes I just wrote gibberish and hoped that it made some sort of sense, and other times, yeah it was interesting, but it made me just want to cry. When 2nd term hit, that's where I wanted to die and cry. It was presentations, and I am no way good at standing up in front of people and talking. In the past when I’ve done presentations, my voice wobbles so much that I started to sound like I was crying. There were no tears but it sounded like I was crying. From then on, I never wanted to do another presentation again. This is where first presentation went wrong, and I knew it had. But I guess it was my first try and I knew more of where I wanted to take my next one. So next time the presentations where due I was going to be more precise, more accurate and more entertaining! Thus with this attitude I did. This was a great satisfaction and the feedback helped immensely in keeping myself cool about what I was doing. By the time it came to the 3rd I was confident enough to stand up in front of my group and not sound like I was about to flood the room with my tears. However I still became shy and nervous, but hopefully no one noticed that! Phew! Hopefully this will carry on! Hopefully.

So all in all, I felt I have improved in certain areas of each section of the course. The only things that I want to change are the teaching of Game Production, and the models in Life Drawing. That is all. There is nothing to complain either than that, and I’ve felt overall that my confidence has grown, that I know my way around the software I use and the process to start a final piece have become more thorough. So after a first year I’m happy with what I’ve done. The only personal thing I could change is my time management. But that'll be sorted next year!
