I love canals... OK well recently they're annoying! Sometimes they're
pretty, but sometimes, they are just a pain in the arse to sit next
to and get attack by a swan, which wouldn't go into the water! But oh
well. Life goes on! Anyway, I’m babbling! This is where I now shall
reflect upon my canal work within the very first week of starting!
This week was stressful in particular, because I was still very alone
with the people who I was with. But not only have I enjoyed doing my
sketches upon the canal I have also enjoyed that while doing this
Visual project I have met the friends that I am moving in with next
year! How awesome is that! But that's besides the point!

I entered into the classroom for Chris to start talking to us about
perspective, I had a very positive attitude to the subject because I
had actually practised this type of work during my A-Levels. But once
Chris had finished, I. Was. Shocked. I have never experience the
feeling that “oh crap, I do not know any of this”. I knew the
basics, the perspective, the horizon line, the vanishing point. I
knew that all the lines with the picture would go into a distance at
the vanishing point, (although they didn't actually do that in real
life) that's how you perceive the world, and that's how I am meant to
portray it! Brill! I was rusty when we first got out there! Never
truly realised how dirty it'd be either (new to Leicester!). But once
I had settled I started to get into the flow of things and felt I
produced some good few prep sketches! Yeah the horizon line was a bit
high but all the lines went to the vanishing point etc! Some prep
sketches went a bit skew and all theory went out the window! But
majority of the time I was quite happy! But looking through very few
had the right horizon line. Which is disappointing, but I have
acknowledged this!
my final piece I did exactly what I didn't want to do. I planned it
all out on the page with the horizon line and managed to get
everything to get to the vanishing point. I made sure that everything
was sized correctly and in proportion, but I got the horizon line to
high up. It looks more of the middle of the page rather than 1/3 of
the page up. This makes it look more like I am standing or floating
in mid air! I have also found that the Fibonacci curve within my work
is out of proportion and that the main focus of my work as it is, is
in the middle of river rather than where the vanishing point is. This
is mainly skewed by my horizon line, which can be fixed with a new
sketch. I only realized this as soon as I had started my bridge and
this meant that I couldn't go back. I felt I was doing well with what
I was doing so I carried on but with making note of the horizon line.
This I will fix with a new picture! Over Christmas I will be doing
more sketches of the canal and more prep sketches along with
analization of the canal and its technical side of things!

the things that I like most about what I have done is the main bush
on the right, where there is detail in the leaves poking out from the
mainframe of the bush. I also like the shadows on the path and river
especially where the water glistens and has a very bright shine to
it. Although that was hard to portray I enjoyed doing the water as
well as the shadows around the bushes that have hit the water. The
thing most disappointing about the whole thing is the horizon line
and that I am floating in mid-air! (Which you know, I can do
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